Introducing our new RA: Melih Can Sahin

Melih Can is a third-year Ph.D. student in Social Psychology with a keen focus on how group-level concerns shape outgroup attitudes and sociopolitical preferences. Currently, he delves deep into the exploration of these concerns in the context of historical injustices in Canada. Melih has joined LISPOP as the R suite and statistics expert this semester. We’re delighted to have Melih as part of the LISPOP team! Listed below are a few of the projects he has worked on in the past.

Sahin, M.C., Wilson, A., Kachanoff, F., Jiao, Y., & Saini, P. (2024, February 8-10). Collective Narcissism is boosting conservative but eroding liberal support for reparation [poster presentation, submitted]. SPSP Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, USA.

Williams, S., Sahin, M.C. & Wilson, A. (2023). (Subjective) Time heals all wounds: The competing roles of objective and subjective time in reactions to past events [Manuscript submitted for publication]

Sahin, M.C. & Wilson, A. (2023, February 23-25). Colonization transmitted across generations: effects of disease metaphor and temporal Framing of injustice against the indigenous people in Canada [poster presentation]. SPSP 2023 Annual Convention, Atlanta, USA.

Sahin, M.C. & Wilson, A. (2023, July 9-11). Too great to allow injustice: could collective narcissism ever underlie Reparations for historical misdeeds? [poster presentation]. ISPP 2023 Annual Convention, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

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