Introducing our new RA: Melih Can Sahin

Melih Can is a third-year Ph.D. student in Social Psychology with a keen focus on how group-level concerns shape outgroup attitudes and sociopolitical preferences. Currently, he delves deep into the exploration of these concerns in the context of historical injustices […]

Denial in the Aftermath of Truth: Reconciliation in Canada

by Andrew R. Basso & Andrea Perrella Why has Reconciliation in Canada stalled? What barriers exist to the implementation of transitional justice? Sometimes the simplest questions can yield the most important findings. That is certainly the case for our multi-year […]

Introducing our new RA: Gabrielle Russo

Hello everyone!   My name is Gabrielle and I am going into my third year of Political Science and Criminology at Wilfrid Laurier University. I’m excited to be a part of LISPOP because I am interested in politics, the development of policy, […]

A Tribute to Geoffrey Stevens (1940-2023)

Geoffrey Stevens, the esteemed Canadian journalist, leaves behind a remarkable legacy through a journalistic journey that spanned decades. From his first position as a reporter through his ascension to managing editor at The Globe and Mail, he fearlessly navigated the […]